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Les Assises de l’économie de la mer

Les assises de l'économie de la mer Un grand merci au Pôle Mer Méditerranée qui a permis à OCERGY de présenter la plateforme OCG-Data aux Assises Economie de la Mer 2023. Si le projet BLUE ORACLE en Occitanie a déjà montré que la plateforme peut caractériser les

The Blakely Smith medal

The Blakely smith medal At the SNAME Annual convention this week in San Diego, our CTO Alexia Aubault was awarded the prestigious BLAKELY SMITH MEDAL for Outstanding Accomplishment in Ocean Engineering UC Berkeley Professor Ronald W. Yeung (on the right of Alexia in the

ONE to ONE with Aegir

ONE to ONE with Aegir Interesting One-to One discussion between Darius Snieckus, Chief Executive Editor of #beaufort and Dominique. See the full article here

OCG-Wind Consortium recipient for FLOWIN

OCG-Wind Consortium recipient for FLOWIN On behalf of our consortium – TotalEnergies, Vigor, LLC, and Foss Maritime Company – we would like to thank the #departmentofenergy for the  funding they have awarded via the FLoating Offshore Wind ReadINess (FLOWIN) Prize to nine consortia representing the breadth

OCG-Data Pilot installed offshore

OCG-Data Pilot installed offshore Happy to announce that The BLUE ORACLE OCG-Data pilot is is now anchored to the seabed and data is being transmitted real time to shore. All systems fully functioning. The entire consortium is excited to enter phase 2 of the project

Ocergy’s OCG-Data Christening ceremony

Ocergy’s OCG-Data Christening ceremony makes the cover of the news paper Last week, was the christening of our first OCG-Data.... So thankful for Meme the president of the region, Carole Delga for being the "Godmother" of the buoy, and all the elected officials, our clients and partners,

OCG-Data Pilot Receives Permits

Press Release: OCG-Data Pilot Receives Permits, Buoy Fabrication near completion Aix-en-Provence, France: Ocergy, Inc, announced that its pilot OCG-Data project ”Buoy with Lidar and Underwater Equipment for Ocean Resource Assessment and Characterisation of Life in the Environment (BLUE ORACLE), partly sponsored by ADEME (the French Agency

OCG-Wind explained

OCG-Wind explained Thank you to Simply Blue Energy’s very own Adrian de Anders for clearly explaining the benefits of the Ocergy-Wind at the 2nd annual WindEurope conference in The Netherlands earlier last month. Thank you Adrian; we look forward to continuing working with SBE, Ørsted